Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jittuio 0.1 to support the TUIO protocol in Jitter

Hello there,

I made a Jitter -> TUIO abstraction today since I would like to make a Multitouch Screen and would prefer to use Max/MSP instead of VVVV or Touchlib.

I called it Jittuo you can download the 0.1 version here together with the sample patch >> Jittuio 0.1

Simply copy the Jittuio abstraction into the externals folder of Max/MSP, start Max/MSP and open the sample patch.
Make sure you install 2up.jit.centroids before.

It is based on 2uptech's Centroids object and at the moment only supports the "/tuio/2Dcur set" TUIO command but I guess its a start.
So you need to download and install the Centroids object first >> (mac) (win)

It works well with the Paint.fla Flash application from Touchlib which you can download and find in the Touchlib source folder at >> Touchlib
Just don't forget to start Flosc before ;-)

But it should work with any TUIO client that supports the "/2Dcur set" command.

For the Flash>Flosc connection you can also follow the instruction here at

Any feedback or suggestions are more then welcome.


ps: The Google Code page is here